Authentication and Authorization Testing with Burp Suite

Offered By: Pluralsight


Burp Suite Courses Web Application Security Courses Vulnerability Assessment Courses Session Handling Courses

Course Description


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Authentication and authorization are some of the most important security mechanisms in a web application, since they control the access to the data. This course will teach you how to test those mechanisms using Burp Suite.

The authentication and authorization mechanisms of a web application are among the most important security features of the tool. They are responsible for allowing access to sensitive pages and data, and any vulnerabilities might lead to unauthorized access or sensitive data leakage. In this course, Authentication and Authorization Testing with Burp Suite, you’ll learn how to assess authentication/authorization mechanisms using Burp Suite. First, you’ll explore how to assess login/registration pages using Burp Suite. Next, you’ll discover some common vulnerabilities in session handling. Finally, you’ll learn how to exploit authorization flaws to gain access to sensitive data. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Burp Suite needed to assess the authentication and authorization mechanisms of a web page.


  • Course Overview 1min
  • Assessing Authentication Schemes 55mins
  • Authorization Flaws 27mins

Taught by

Ricardo Reimao

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