Advanced Techniques and Workflows in Vue

Offered By: Pluralsight


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Course Description


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In this Vue tutorial, we'll learn how to implement our custom landscapes from Vue into other applications. Software required: Vue 2014, World Machine 2.3, Geo Control 2, Unreal Engine 4, 3DS Max 2016, Cinema 4D R15.

In this Vue tutorial, we'll learn how to implement our custom landscapes from Vue into other applications. We'll also look at some workflows to help speed up your rock asset creation with Vue's Metablob feature. We'll then import our landscapes into other applications like Unreal Engine and World Machine. By the end of this Vue training, you'll have learned a variety of new techniques and workflows for your own projects. Software required: Vue 2014, World Machine 2.3, Geo Control 2, Unreal Engine 4, 3DS Max 2016, Cinema 4D R15.


  • Introduction and Project Overview 0mins
  • Advanced Techniques and Workflows in Vue 369mins

Taught by

Dylan Yarbrough

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