Advanced Lighting and Rendering Techniques in V-Ray for Maya

Offered By: Pluralsight


V-Ray Courses Maya Courses Nuke Courses Mari Courses

Course Description


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Explore advanced techniques for lighting and rendering a bike in V-Ray for Maya. Software required: Maya 2014, V-Ray for Maya, NUKE 9.2X, and MARI.

We'll start by using an IBL (image-based lighting) setup. Along the way, we'll create complex shader materials and define our surface material within a photographically lit environment. Finally, we'll create precomps and lighting comps using NUKE. By the end of this V-Ray for Maya tutorial, you'll have learned some new tips and tricks for your own lighting and rendering projects. Software required: Maya 2014, V-Ray for Maya, NUKE 9.2X, and MARI.


  • Introduction and Project Overview 0mins
  • Advanced Lighting and Rendering Techniques in V-Ray for Maya 129mins

Taught by

Clifford Otomi Green

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