Physical Theatre: Meyerhold and Biomechanics
Offered By: University of Leeds via FutureLearn
Course Description
Discover Meyerhold’s technique of theatrical biomechanics
Experience the revolutionary approach to acting by world-renowned Russian director Vsevolod Meyerhold and his technique of biomechanics. You’ll explore key players in Russian actor training, and through expert panel discussions you’ll consider Meyerhold’s contribution and how his work is still relevant today. You’ll learn Meyehold’s techniques and be introduced to one of his études – a short repeatable exercise used by him to develop balance, awareness and expression. You’ll be invited to explore your own responses to this unique training approach and share your work with experts and fellow students.
The course is for anyone interested in theatre and training. You may be a student at school or college thinking of going into theatre or you may be at university wanting to widen your areas of interest and experience. Alternatively, you may be a teacher, an actor, a dancer or theatre professional or a life-long learner in the performing arts with an active curiosity for history and theatre training. There will be some movement work, so students need to be of sound physical health, but the physical actions to be explored in the course are manageable for anyone with an average capacity for movement – lifting the arms, rotating the hips, shifting weight from one leg to the next. No previous experience of physical theatre is necessary.
Taught by
Jonathan Pitches
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