Pediatric Lecture Series - Baron Munchausen to Medical Child Abuse

Offered By: Dartmouth College via Independent


Continuing Medical Education (CME) Courses Pediatrics Courses

Course Description


Dartmouth Health Continuing Education for Professionals Home, Pediatric Lecture Series - Baron Munchausen to Medical Child Abuse, 1/12/2021 8:00:00 AM - 1/12/2024 9:00:00 AM, This Pediatric Lecture Series will discuss important pediatric topics that may lead to the improvement of child health from an individual, health care system and/or societal level.

Resmiye Oral, MD, FAAP
Director, Child Advocacy & Protection Program
Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth

Learning Outcome(s)
At the conclusion of this lecture, (at least 75% of) learners, will be able to discuss an overview of medical child abuse including pathophysiology, common presentations, and the role of the primary care provider in recognition and management.

The activity director(s), planning committee member(s), speaker(s), author(s) or anyone in a position to control the content have reported NO financial interest or relationship* with various companies. There were no individuals in a position to control the content that refused to disclose.

*A “financial interest or relationship" refers to an equity position, receipt of royalties, consultantship, funding by a research grant, receiving honoraria for educational services elsewhere, or to any other relationship to a company that provides sufficient reason for disclosure, in keeping with the spirit of the stated policy.

Bibliographic Sources
C. Jenny, J Metz (2020) Medical Child Abuse and Medical Neglect. Pediatrics in Review February 2020, 41 (2) 49-60;

Roesler TA, Jenny C. Medical Child Abuse: Beyond Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2009.

Flaherty EG, Macmillan HL; Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect. Caregiver-fabricated illness in a child: a manifestation of child maltreatment. Pediatrics. 2013 Sep;132(3):590-7. [PMID: 23979088]

Stirling J Jr; American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect. Beyond Munchausen syndrome by proxy: identification and treatment of child abuse in a medical setting. Pediatrics. 2007 May;119(5):1026-30. [PMID: 17473106]

Brown AN, Gonzalez GR, Wiester RT, Kelley MC, Feldman KW. Care taker blogs in caregiver fabricated illness in a child: a window on the caretaker's thinking? Child Abuse Negl. 2014 Mar;38(3):488-97. [PMID: 24393290]

Sanders MJ, Bursch B. Forensic assessment of illness falsification, Munchausen by proxy, and factitious disorder, NOS. Child Maltreat. 2002 May;7(2):112-24. [PMID: 12020067]

Horwath J. Developing good practice in cases of fabricated and induced illness by carers: new guidance and the training implications. Child Abuse Rev. 2003 Jan/Feb;12(1):58-63.



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