Supporting children's development
Offered By: The Open University via OpenLearn
Course Description
Supporting children’s development is an introductory course for anyone who is interested in children’s development, especially support staff in schools, such as teaching assistants. It builds on your knowledge and skills to develop a deeper understanding of children from the early years to school leavers. You will be introduced to some core ideas surrounding development and learning, behaviour, special needs and disabilities.
- Introduction and guidance
- Introduction and guidance
- Guidance for accessing alternative formats
- Structure of the course
- Why study this course?
- Learning outcomes
- Before you begin
- Acknowledgements
- section1Developing and managing relationships
- Introduction
- Learning outcomes
- 1 The importance of the early years
- 1.1 Important relationships
- 1.2 Some child development theories
- Attachment theory
- Developmental theory
- 2 Parents as partners
- 3 Children’s transitions
- 3.1 From home to school
- 3.2 From primary to secondary school
- 3.3 The transition to secondary school
- What you have learned in this section
- Section 1 quiz
- References
- Acknowledgements
- section2Encouraging reading
- Introduction
- Learning outcomes
- 1 Babies and the early years
- 2 Moving from the early years to primary
- New ways to encourage reading
- How did you learn to read?
- Boys, girls and reading
- The gender gap: fact or fiction
- Literacy and reading in secondary school
- Section 2 quiz
- section3Behavioural management
- Introduction
- Learning outcomes
- 1 Children’s behaviour
- 1.1 Why might children behave in certain ways?
- 1.2 Goals of misbehaviour
- 2 Managing a class or a group
- 2.1 Behaviour management in the classroom
- 2.2 Managing behaviour through reward charts
- 2.3 SMART targets
- 2.4 Minimising negative behaviour
- 2.5 Maintaining classroom discipline
- 2.6 Involving children in behaviour management
- 2.7 Optional readings and resources
- 3 Recognising behavioural issues
- 3.1 What do we mean by mental health?
- 3.2 What triggers mental ill-health?
- 3.3 Symptoms potentially indicating mental health issues
- 3.4 Listening to children
- 3.5 Optional readings and resources
- What you have learned in this section
- Section 3 quiz
- References
- Acknowledgements
- section4Special needs
- Introduction
- Learning outcomes
- 1 What does SEND mean?
- 1.1 Defining terms
- Special educational needs (SEN)
- 1.2 The SEN Information Report
- 1.3 Inclusive practices
- 2 Victimisation and bullying
- 2.1 Dealing with difficult relationships
- Bullying
- Cyberbullying
- 2.2 Optional readings and resources
- 3 Supporting a child with SEND
- 3.1 Social stories
- 3.2 Supporting children’s social and emotional development
- 3.3 Being an advocate
- 3.4 Effective support – how can you help?
- 3.5 Support services and other professionals
- 3.6 Optional readings and resources
- What you have learned in this section
- Section 4 quiz
- References
- Acknowledgements
- section5Professional development plan
- Introduction
- 1 Panel discussion
- 2 Course summary
- 3 The importance of reflection
- 4 Identifying skills
- 5 Personal development plan
- Summary
- References
- Acknowledgements
- section6Taking my learning further
- 1 What have I learned?
- 2 Badge and statement of participation
- 3 Where next?
- 4 Feedback
- Acknowledgements
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