Object Oriented Implementation Using C++
Offered By: IBM via edX
Course Description
Automation requires you to have both, a deep understanding of business logic and the ability to translate it into an automated program using the syntax and semantics of a programming language. Market research says C++ is one of the most sought-after programming languages to use for this translation. This comprehensive course takes you in-depth with the powerful, fast, and popular object-oriented language from scratch.
This course focusses on establishing a thorough understanding of Object Oriented concepts and assists you with implementing them using the syntax and semantics of the C++ programming language. The objective through the course will be to build strong problem-solving skills, instill strong logic development capabilities and to position you to comprehend a scenario, apply object-oriented concepts and translate it into a C++ program. With detailed learning activities and hands-on practice exercises that get auto evaluated, IBM has built in the rigor required to provide you with technical depth.
In this course you will cover:
- Understanding Object Oriented themes
- Understanding and implementing Object Oriented Approaches
- Understand Object oriented principles of Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Learn the concepts of operator overloading
- Learn and practice various Exception handling blocks
- Implement the concepts of Templates
Taught by
Thanu James, Sudha C, Abin K Abraham and Senthil Kumar P
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