Introduction to Neural Computation
Offered By: Massachusetts Institute of Technology via MIT OpenCourseWare
Course Description
1: Course Overview and Ionic Currents - Intro to Neural Computation.
2: Resistor Capacitor Circuit and Nernst Potential - Intro to Neural Computation.
3: Resistor Capacitor Neuron Model - Intro to Neural Computation.
4: Hodgkin-Huxley Model Part 1 - Intro to Neural Computation.
5: Hodgkin-Huxley Model Part 2 - Intro to Neural Computation.
6: Dendrites - Intro to Neural Computation.
7: Synapses - Intro to Neural Computation.
8: Spike Trains - Intro to Neural Computation.
9: Receptive Fields - Intro to Neural Computation.
10: Time Series - Intro to Neural Computation.
11: Spectral Analysis Part 1 - Intro to Neural Computation.
12: Spectral Analysis Part 2 - Intro to Neural Computation.
13: Spectral Analysis Part 3 - Intro to Neural Computation.
14: Rate Models and Perceptrons - Intro to Neural Computation.
15: Matrix Operations - Intro to Neural Computation.
16: Basic Sets - Intro to Neural Computation.
17: Principal Components Analysis_ - Intro to Neural Computation.
18: Recurrent Networks - Intro to Neural Computation.
19: Neural Integrators - Intro to Neural Computation.
20: Hopfield Networks - Intro to Neural Computation.
Taught by
Prof. Michale Fee and Daniel Zysman
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