Statistical Mechanics II: Statistical Physics of Fields

Offered By: Massachusetts Institute of Technology via MIT OpenCourseWare


Physics Courses Thermodynamics Courses Statistical Mechanics Courses

Course Description


This is the second term in a two-semester course on statistical mechanics. Basic principles are examined in this class, such as the laws of thermodynamics and the concepts of temperature, work, heat, and entropy. Topics from modern statistical mechanics are also explored, including the hydrodynamic limit and classical field theories.


1. Collective Behavior, from Particles to Fields Part 1.
2. Lec 1 (continued); The Landau-Ginzburg Approach Part 1.
3. The Landau-Ginzburg Approach Part 2.
4. The Landau-Ginzburg Approach Part 3.
5. The Landau-Ginzburg Approach Part 4.
6. The Scaling Hypothesis Part 1.
7. The Scaling Hypothesis Part 2.
8. The Scaling Hypothesis Part 3.
9. Perturbative Renormalization Group Part 1.
10. Perturbative Renormalization Group Part 2.
11. Perturbative Renormalization Group Part 3.
12. Perturbative Renormalization Group Part 4.
13. Position Space Renormalization Group, Part 1.
14. Position Space Renormalization Group, Part 2.
15. Series Expansions Part 1.
16. Series Expansions Part 2.
17. Series Expansions Part 3.
18. Series Expansions Part 4.
19. Series Expansions Part 5.
20. Continuous Spins at Low Temperatures Part 1.
21. Continuous Spins at Low Temperatures Part 2.
22. Continuous Spins at Low Temperatures Part 3.
23. Continuous Spins at Low Temperatures Part 4.
24. Dissipative Dynamics.
25. Continuous Spins at Low Temperatures Part 5.
26. Continuous Spins at Low Temperatures Part 6.

Taught by

Prof. Mehran Kardar


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