Graph Theory and Additive Combinatorics

Offered By: Massachusetts Institute of Technology via MIT OpenCourseWare


Graph Theory Courses Combinatorics Courses Additive Combinatorics Courses

Course Description


This course examines classical and modern developments in graph theory and additive combinatorics, with a focus on topics and themes that connect the two subjects. The course also introduces students to current research topics and open problems.


1. A bridge between graph theory and additive combinatorics.
2. Forbidding a subgraph I: Mantel's theorem and Turán's theorem.
3. Forbidding a subgraph II: complete bipartite subgraph.
4. Forbidding a subgraph III: algebraic constructions.
5. Forbidding a subgraph IV: dependent random choice.
6. Szemerédi's graph regularity lemma I: statement and proof.
7. Szemerédi's graph regularity lemma II: triangle removal lemma.
8. Szemerédi's graph regularity lemma III: further applications.
9. Szemerédi's graph regularity lemma IV: induced removal lemma.
10. Szemerédi's graph regularity lemma V: hypergraph removal and spectral proof.
11. Pseudorandom graphs I: quasirandomness.
12. Pseudorandom graphs II: second eigenvalue.
13. Sparse regularity and the Gree-Tao theorem.
14. Graph limits I: introduction.
15. Graph limits II: regularity and counting.
16. Graph limits III: compactness and applications.
17. Graph limits IV: inequalities between subgraph densities.
18. Roth's theorem I: Fourier analytic proof over finite field.
19. Roth's theorem II: Fourier analytic proof in the integers.
20. Roth's theorem III: polynomial method and arithmetic regularity.
21. Structure of set addition I: introduction to Freiman's theorem.
22. Structure of set addition II: groups of bounded exponent and modeling lemma.
23. Structure of set addition III: Bogolyubov's lemma and the geometry of numbers.
24. Structure of set addition IV: proof of Freiman's theorem.
25. Structure of set addition V: additive energy and Balog-Szemerédi-Gowers theorem.
26. Sum-product problem and incidence geometry.

Taught by

Prof. Yufei Zhao


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