MADRID, History, Architecture and Urban Planning: A smart and sustainable city?

Offered By: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid via Miríadax


Urban Planning Courses Sustainability Courses Sustainable Architecture Courses

Course Description


Descripción del curso
Gracias por tu interés. Aunque este MOOC ya se realizó, si te inscribes podrás acceder a los contenidos más importantes y a los vídeos. Sin embargo, no podrás realizar ninguna de las actividades ni te podrás certificar. Cuando esté disponible una nueva edición podrás inscribirte para que obtengas la experiencia completa de un MOOC de Miríadax.

The aim of this course is to understand the development and the urban evolution of the city of Madrid, consideration given to historical, economic, social and environmental aspects as well as architecture and urban design. In the scope of the course you will find:

1. Introduction: Madrid, from its origins to the 18th Century.

2. Madrid in 19th Century: Consequences of “Desamortización” Law in Madrid.

3. Madrid in 19th Century: Transformations and Expansion Plan of the city.

4. Urban transformations between late 19th and early 20th Centuries: “Gran Vía” Street, “Ciudad Lineal” and “Ciudad Universitaria” areas.

5. Madrid in the 20th Century: Planning the city as a Metropolis.

6. Madrid in the 21st Century: A smart and sustainable city.

© Pilar Cristina Izquierdo Gracia, María Aurora Flórez de la Colina, Mercedes Valiente López. El material de este curso se ofrece con licencia Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC-SA. Reconocimiento – No Comercial – Compartir Igual


Unit 0. Presentation
Unit 1. Introduction: Madrid, from its origins to the 18th Century
Unit 2. Madrid in 19th Century: Consequences of "Desamortización" Law in M.
Unit 3. Madrid in 19th Century: Transformations and Expansion Plan.
Unit 4. Urban transformations between late 19th and early 20th Centuries.
Unit 5. Madrid in the 20th Century: Planning the city as a Metropolis.
Unit 6. Madrid in the 21st Century: A smart and sustainable city.
Unit 7: Changing knowledge and the city shape (1)
Unit 8: Changing knowledge and the city shape (2)

Taught by

Maria Aurora Florez de la Colina, Mercedes Valiente and Pilar C. Izquierdo Gracia


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