Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals: Describe the concepts of security, compliance, and identity
Offered By: Microsoft via Microsoft Learn
Course Description
- Module 1: Describe security and compliance concepts and methodologies
- Describe the Zero-Trust and shared responsibility models.
- Describe common security threats and ways to protect through defense in depth.
- Describe the concept of encryption, hashing, and signing
- Module 2: Describe identity concepts
- Describe the concept of identity as a security perimeter.
- Learn about authentication and authorization.
- Describe identity related services.
After completing this module, you will be able to:
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Module 1: Describe security and compliance concepts and methodologies
- Introduction
- Describe the zero-trust methodology
- Describe the shared responsibility model
- Describe defense in depth
- Describe common threats
- Describe ways encryption and hashing can secure your data
- Describe the Cloud Adoption Framework
- Knowledge check
- Summary and resources
- Module 2: Describe identity concepts
- Introduction
- Describe common identity attacks
- Define Identity as the primary security perimeter
- Describe modern authentication and the role of the identity provider
- Describe the concept of Federated Services
- Describe the concept of directory services and active directory
- Knowledge check
- Summary & resources
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