Deploy and manage resources in Azure by using JSON ARM templates
Offered By: Microsoft via Microsoft Learn
Course Description
- Module 1: Write JSON Azure Resource Manager templates by using Visual Studio Code to deploy your infrastructure to Azure consistently and reliably.
- Implement a JSON ARM template by using Visual Studio Code.
- Declare resources and add flexibility to your template by adding resources, parameters, and outputs.
- Module 2: Manage multiple Azure environment deployments of your JSON Azure Resource Manager templates (ARM templates) by using functions, variables, tags, and parameter files.
- Create an expression for a unique value by using ARM template functions.
- Reuse your expression by storing it in an ARM template variable.
- Organize and track your deployed Azure resources by using resource tags.
- Manage multiple deployment parameters by using ARM template parameter files.
- Module 3: Apply the what-if command to see the impact of a deployment before it's applied.
- Describe the two deployment modes in Azure and their effects
- Preview what changes will happen before you deploy by using the what-if operation
- Module 4: Use the ARM Template Test Toolkit and apply it on your Azure Resource Manager templates to ensure the templates follow good practices before deployment.
- Validate your template's adherence to recommendations by using the ARM Template Test Toolkit.
- Implement domain-specific rules for deployments that you can run by using the ARM Template Test Toolkit.
- Module 5: Learn how to deploy JSON Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates by using Azure PowerShell, the Azure CLI, and GitHub Actions.
- Choose the best way to deploy JSON ARM templates, based on your needs.
- Modularize your templates by using linked templates.
- Create GitHub Actions to deploy templates.
- Module 6: Learn how to add custom steps to your Azure Resource Manager templates (ARM templates) by using deployment scripts.
- Perform custom steps in your ARM templates by using a deployment script
- Define parameters to make your deployment scripts more reusable
- Module 7: Use advanced constructs in Azure Resource Manager to manage complex scenarios such as deployment order, conditional deployments, and secrets.
- Control the deployment order of resources by using the dependsOn construct.
- Securely assign secrets like passwords to resources in your templates by using Azure Key Vault and your ARM template.
- Conditionally deploy resources by using the condition construct and parameters at deployment time.
- Deploy multiple resources of the same type by using the copy construct to reduce repetitive configuration.
- Module 8: Learn how to create, publish, and deploy template specs, which enable you to store and reuse templates across your organization.
- Create and deploy template specs
- Add versions to template specs
In this module, you will:
In this module, you will:
After completing this module, you'll be able to:
After completing this module, you'll be able to:
After completing this module, you'll be able to:
After completing this module, you'll be able to:
After completing this module, you'll be able to:
After completing this module, you'll be able to:
- Module 1: Deploy Azure infrastructure by using JSON ARM templates
- Introduction
- Explore Azure Resource Manager template structure
- Exercise - Create and deploy an Azure Resource Manager template
- Add flexibility to your Azure Resource Manager template by using parameters and outputs
- Exercise - Add parameters and outputs to your Azure Resource Manager template
- Knowledge check
- Summary
- Module 2: Deploy to multiple Azure environments by using JSON ARM template features
- Introduction
- Add flexibility to your Azure Resource Manager template by using template functions
- Exercise - Use Azure Resource Manager functions to create expressions
- Reuse expressions by using Azure Resource Manager template variables
- Exercise - Use Azure Resource Manager variables to store expressions
- Maintain multiple Azure deployments by using Azure Resource Manager template tags and parameter files
- Exercise - Use Azure Resource Manager tags and parameter files
- Knowledge check
- Summary
- Module 3: Preview Azure deployment changes by using what-if
- Introduction
- Understand deployment modes
- Predict what a deployment will do by using what-if
- Exercise - Preview changes with the what-if command
- Knowledge check
- Summary
- Module 4: Validate Azure resources by using the ARM Template Test Toolkit
- Introduction
- Apply best practices by using the test toolkit module
- Exercise - Apply good practices to your template by using the ARM Template Test Toolkit
- Implement domain-specific rules by authoring custom tests
- Exercise - Author and run custom tests with the test toolkit
- Knowledge check
- Summary
- Module 5: Automate the deployment of JSON ARM templates by using GitHub Actions
- Introduction
- Deploy your ARM templates
- Exercise - Deploy your ARM templates
- Deploy linked and nested ARM templates
- Exercise - Deploy linked and nested ARM templates
- Deploy ARM templates as part of your CI/CD efforts with GitHub Actions
- Exercise - Deploy ARM templates as part of your CI/CD efforts with GitHub Actions
- Knowledge check
- Summary
- Module 6: Extend ARM templates by using deployment scripts
- Introduction
- What are deployment scripts?
- Exercise - Add a deployment script to an ARM template
- Parameterize deployment scripts
- Exercise - Add parameters to deployment scripts
- Knowledge check
- Summary
- Module 7: Manage complex cloud deployments by using advanced JSON ARM template features
- Introduction
- Control deployment order by specifying dependencies
- Exercise - Control deployment order of resources
- Manage secrets in your ARM template by reading from Azure Key Vault
- Exercise - Manage secrets in your ARM template
- Add conditional logic to your ARM templates
- Exercise - Add conditional logic to your ARM template
- Create multiple resource instances by using the copy element
- Exercise - Use copy to reduce repetition
- Knowledge check
- Summary
- Module 8: Publish libraries of reusable infrastructure code by using template specs
- Introduction
- Understand template specs
- Create and publish a template spec
- Deploy a template spec
- Exercise - Create and deploy a template spec
- Manage a template spec
- Exercise - Update and version a template spec
- Knowledge check
- Summary
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