Create cloud native apps with Azure and open-source software

Offered By: Microsoft via Microsoft Learn


Microsoft Azure Courses Web Development Courses Kubernetes Courses Cloud-Native Applications Courses

Course Description


  • Module 1: This module teaches concepts and ideas associated with cloud-native apps. We cover selecting Open-Source Software (OSS) components like Kubernetes and PostgreSQL, as well as unique Azure tools like Cosmos DB. We’ll also identify situations that call for building cloud-native apps, and review selecting components in an example scenario.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Describe the fundamental structure of a cloud-native app
    • Identify situations where you should build a cloud-native app
  • Module 2: Cloud-native applications are modular in nature, with components separated and self-contained. Components can be encapsulated in containers, such as those created with Docker, or published from an Azure service. Dynamic scaling can then be managed by Kubernetes. We'll learn to decide when Kubernetes is right for our cloud-native app, and we'll see how to use it as a first building block of our cloud-native architecture.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Create a Kubernetes AKS cluster
    • Run a docker container in Kubernetes
    • Connect the docker container to a webapp
  • Module 3: Build a basic service consisting of an Express.js-based web service with Microsoft Azure Database for PostgreSQL providing its persistent data store, and managed by a front-end Next.js management web app.
  • In this module, you'll:

    • Learn the concept of service in the context of cloud-native applications
    • Set up a basic service
    • Extend the services architecture
    • Implement Azure Database for PostgreSQL
    • Connect Node.js Express to Azure Database for PostgreSQL
    • Set up a Next.js management web app
  • Module 4: Describes how Azure IoT Central facilitates the design, testing, and implementation of distributed applications that process IoT telemetry data generated by smart devices. When designing cloud-native applications, you can leverage Azure IoT Central to deliver a comprehensive set of features that help with design, testing, and implementation of distributed applications that rely on IoT telemetry.
  • After completing this module, you’ll know more about how to:

    • Describe the role of Azure IoT Central in the context of cloud-native applications
    • Set up Azure IoT Central
    • Process IoT telemetry by using Azure IoT Central
  • Module 5: This module describes how to extend your cloud-native application to provide IoT functionality by integrating its components with Azure IoT services and using Cosmos DB to provide a persistent data store.
  • In this module, you'll:

    • Describe the architecture and components of IoT services
    • Describe the characteristics and functionality of Azure Cosmos DB
    • Integrate Azure data stores with IoT pipelines
    • Implement Azure Cosmos DB for processing telemetry data
    • Analyze and manage telemetry data
    • Configure and manage IoT pipelines
  • Module 6: Implement DevOps in cloud-native application scenarios. Use GitHub actions and Azure Pipelines to build and deploy infrastructure and applications.
  • In this module, you'll:

    • Describe the principles of DevOps and their implementation in cloud-native application scenarios
    • Implement DevOps principles by using GitHub and DevOps
    • Build and deploy infrastructure and applications by using GitHub and DevOps
  • Module 7: Azure AD enables you to improve the functionality of cloud-native apps in multitenant scenarios.
  • In this module, you'll:

    • Describe the characteristics and functionality of Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
    • Implement Azure AD authentication for cloud-native applications


  • Module 1: Introduction to cloud-native apps on Azure
    • Introduction
    • What are cloud-native apps?
    • Using containers with cloud-native apps
    • Designing a cloud-native app
    • When to use cloud-native apps
    • Knowledge check
    • Summary
  • Module 2: Orchestrate containers for cloud-native apps with AKS
    • Introduction
    • Running containers with Kubernetes
    • Exercise - Create an AKS cluster
    • Developing with containers and AKS
    • Exercise - Set up a development environment with AKS
    • Connecting cloud-native components
    • Exercise - Connect cloud-native components
    • Knowledge check
    • Summary
  • Module 3: Build a basic cloud-native service using PostgreSQL and Node.js
    • Introduction
    • Define the concept of services
    • Exercise - Set up Azure Database for PostgreSQL
    • Set up a basic service
    • Exercise - Connect Express.js to Azure Database for PostgreSQL
    • Extend the services architecture
    • Exercise - Set up a Next.js management web app
    • Knowledge check
    • Summary
  • Module 4: Stream internet-of-things (IoT) data to a cloud-native app with IoT Central
    • Introduction
    • Describe Azure IoT Central
    • Exercise - Set up Azure IoT Central
    • Describe how to process IoT telemetry
    • Exercise - Implement processing of IoT telemetry
    • Knowledge check
    • Summary
  • Module 5: Build an IoT service for your cloud-native apps by using IoT Central
    • Introduction
    • Define IoT service architecture
    • Describe Azure Cosmos DB
    • Exercise - Set up Azure Cosmos DB
    • Integrate data stores with IoT pipelines
    • Exercise - Integrate Azure Cosmos DB with the IoT data pipeline
    • Analyze telemetry data
    • Exercise - Integrate Next.js web app with the IoT data pipeline
    • Knowledge check
    • Summary
  • Module 6: Deploy and maintain cloud-native apps with GitHub actions and Azure Pipelines
    • Introduction
    • Define the principles and benefits of DevOps
    • Exercise - Implement Infrastructure as Code by using GitHub Actions
    • Deploy and maintain cloud-native applications by using GitHub Actions
    • Exercise - Provision cloud-native applications by using GitHub Actions
    • Explore the role of GitHub in IoT scenarios
    • Exercise - Configure CI/CD for IoT Edge applications
    • Knowledge check
    • Summary
  • Module 7: Authenticate and authorize multi-tenant apps using Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
    • Introduction
    • Define Azure AD
    • Exercise - Set up Azure AD
    • Azure AD app development
    • Exercise - Implement multitenant data
    • Manage and monitor Azure AD apps
    • Exercise - Integrate Next.js web app with Azure AD
    • Knowledge check
    • Summary


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