Build real world applications with Python

Offered By: Microsoft via Microsoft Learn


Python Courses Web Development Courses Flask Courses Unit Testing Courses Object-oriented programming Courses Azure Cognitive Services Courses

Course Description


  • Module 1: Learn about the Python programming language, how to execute statements and scripts, declare variables, and create a basic Python app.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Explore the choices available to run Python apps
    • Use the Python interpreter to execute statements and scripts
    • Learn how to declare variables
    • Build a simple Python app that takes input and produces output
  • Module 2: This module will teach you how to model problems by using object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts.
  • After completing this module, you'll be able to:

    • Model problems by using OOP concepts.
    • Describe the basic concepts involved in OOP.
    • Distinguish classes from objects.
  • Module 3: Use Python, Flask, and Azure Cognitive Services to build a web app that incorporates AI
  • In this module, you'll build a website using Flask and Cognitive Services to translate text.

    • Learn how to set up a Flask development environment
    • Learn how to use Flask to build a form
    • Learn how to use the Translator service to translate text
  • Module 4: Use Python's standard library module to write unit tests, and then get exposed to the concepts of other types of testing and how to apply them.
  • By the end of this module, you'll be able to:

    • Write tests using unittest: Python's standard library testing module
    • Identify and fix failures by reading test failure reports
    • Differentiate between unit, functional, and integration testing types


  • Module 1: Introduction to Python
    • Introduction
    • What is Python?
    • Use the REPL
    • Variables and basic data types in Python
    • Exercise output
    • Reading keyboard input
    • Exercise - Build a calculator
    • Summary
  • Module 2: Introduction to object-oriented programming with Python
    • Introduction
    • What is object-oriented programming?
    • Use classes and variables to transfer your OOP model into code
    • Exercise - Model and scaffold your game
    • Add behavior with methods
    • Exercise - Add behavior to your game
    • Exercise - Extend the game implementation with added rules
    • Knowledge check
    • Summary
  • Module 3: Build an AI web app by using Python and Flask
    • Introduction
    • Exercise - Set up a development environment
    • Flask fundamentals
    • Exercise - Create an app
    • Translation
    • Exercise - Create Translator service
    • Exercise - Call Translator service
    • Summary
  • Module 4: Get started with testing in Python
    • Introduction
    • Understand Python testing with the unittest module
    • Exercise - Write a unit test with the unittest module
    • Challenges with testing
    • Types of testing and how to use them
    • Knowledge check
    • Summary


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