Administer infrastructure resources in Azure

Offered By: Microsoft via Microsoft Learn


Microsoft Azure Courses PowerShell Courses Virtual Machines Courses Azure Resource Manager Templates Courses Disk Encryption Courses Azure CLI Courses

Course Description


  • Module 1: Learn about the decisions you make before creating a virtual machine, the options to create and manage the VM, and the extensions and services you use to manage your VM.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Compile a checklist for creating a virtual machine
    • Describe the options to create and manage virtual machines
    • Describe the additional services available to administer virtual machines
  • Module 2: This module guides you through options for virtual machines in Azure, creating and connecting a Linux virtual machine, and configuring your network settings.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Understand the options that are available for virtual machines in Azure
    • Create a Linux virtual machine using the Azure portal
    • Connect to a running Linux virtual machine using SSH
    • Install software and change the network configuration on a VM using the Azure portal
  • Module 3: Learn to create an Azure virtual machine in minutes that can be used like a local physical desktop or server.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Create a Windows virtual machine using the Azure portal
    • Connect to a running Windows virtual machine using Remote Desktop
    • Install software and change the network configuration on a VM using the Azure portal
  • Module 4: Learn how to use the cross-platform Azure CLI to create, start, stop, and perform other management tasks related to virtual machines in Azure.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Create a virtual machine with the Azure CLI
    • Resize virtual machines with the Azure CLI
    • Perform basic management tasks using the Azure CLI
    • Connect to a running VM with SSH and the Azure CLI
  • Module 5: Learn to use Azure Update Management to update virtual machines, verify agent connectivity, and use Azure Log Analytics in your cloud environment.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Deploy Update Management to a virtual machine
    • Schedule recurring security updates
    • Schedule recurring critical updates
  • Module 6: Learn how to connect your local on-premises networks into Azure using virtual networks, VPN gateways, and Azure ExpressRoute.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Create an Azure Virtual Network
    • Create an Azure VPN Gateway
    • Learn to work with Azure ExpressRoute
  • Module 7: Write JSON Azure Resource Manager templates by using Visual Studio Code to deploy your infrastructure to Azure consistently and reliably.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Implement a JSON ARM template by using Visual Studio Code.
    • Declare resources and add flexibility to your template by adding resources, parameters, and outputs.
  • Module 8: Learn about your virtual machine storage options and how to choose between standard and premium, managed and unmanaged disks for your Azure virtual machine.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Create a virtual machine (VM)
    • Configure and attach virtual hard drives (VHDs) to an existing VM
    • Determine whether you need premium disks
    • Resize disks for a VM
  • Module 9: Learn about Azure VM disk performance and how to enable caching to help optimize read and write access to storage.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Describe the key considerations around disk performance in Azure
    • Describe the effects of caching on disk performance in Azure
    • Enable and manage cache settings with the Azure portal
    • Enable and manage cache settings with PowerShell
  • Module 10: Explore the options for Azure disk encryption to encrypt OS and data disks on existing and new virtual machines.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Determine which encryption method is best for your VM
    • Encrypt existing virtual machine disks using the Azure portal
    • Encrypt existing virtual machine disks using PowerShell
    • Modify Azure Resource Manager templates to automate disk encryption on new VMs
  • Module 11: Learn how to protect your virtual machine settings with Azure Automation State Configuration
  • In this module, you will:

    • Identify the capabilities of Azure Automation State Configuration
    • Learn how to onboard VMs for management by Azure Automation
    • Automatically update VMs to maintain a desired state configuration (DSC)
  • Module 12: Learn how to monitor the health of your Azure VMs by using Azure Metrics Explorer and metric alerts.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Identify metrics and diagnostic data that you can collect for virtual machines
    • Configure monitoring for a virtual machine
    • Use monitoring data to diagnose problems


  • Module 1: Introduction to Azure virtual machines
    • Introduction
    • Compile a checklist for creating an Azure Virtual Machine
    • Exercise - Create a VM using the Azure portal
    • Describe the options available to create and manage an Azure Virtual Machine
    • Manage the availability of your Azure VMs
    • Back up your virtual machines
    • Knowledge check
    • Summary
  • Module 2: Create a Linux virtual machine in Azure
    • Introduction
    • Create a Linux virtual Machine in Azure
    • Exercise - Decide an authentication method for SSH
    • Exercise - Create a Linux virtual machine with the Azure portal
    • Azure virtual machines IP addresses and SSH options
    • Exercise - Connect to a Linux virtual machine with SSH
    • Network and security settings
    • Exercise - Configure network settings
    • Summary
  • Module 3: Create a Windows virtual machine in Azure
    • Introduction
    • Create a Windows virtual machine in Azure
    • Exercise - Create a Windows virtual machine
    • Use RDP to connect to Windows Azure virtual machines
    • Exercise - Connect to a Windows virtual machine using RDP
    • Configure Azure virtual machine network settings
    • Summary
  • Module 4: Manage virtual machines with the Azure CLI
    • What is the Azure CLI?
    • Exercise - Create a virtual machine
    • Exercise - Test your new virtual machine
    • Exercise - Explore other VM images
    • Exercise - Sizing VMs properly
    • Exercise - Query system and runtime information about the VM
    • Exercise - Start and stop your VM with the Azure CLI
    • Exercise - Install software on your VM
    • Summary and cleanup
  • Module 5: Keep your virtual machines updated
    • Introduction
    • Update Management solution on a virtual machine
    • Exercise - Use Update Management on a virtual machine
    • Verify agent connectivity and schedule recurring updates
    • Exercise - Use azure log analytics and schedule updates
    • Summary
  • Module 6: Configure the network for your virtual machines
    • Introduction
    • Explore Azure virtual networking
    • Exercise - Create an Azure virtual network
    • Explore Azure VPN Gateway
    • Exercise - Create an Azure VPN gateway
    • Explore Azure ExpressRoute
    • Knowledge check
    • Summary
  • Module 7: Deploy Azure infrastructure by using JSON ARM templates
    • Introduction
    • Explore Azure Resource Manager template structure
    • Exercise - Create and deploy an Azure Resource Manager template
    • Add flexibility to your Azure Resource Manager template by using parameters and outputs
    • Exercise - Add parameters and outputs to your Azure Resource Manager template
    • Knowledge check
    • Summary
  • Module 8: Add and size disks in Azure virtual machines
    • Introduction
    • Understand storage options for virtual machines (VMs)
    • Exercise - Add a data disk to a VM
    • Determine whether to use premium storage
    • Resize virtual machine disks
    • Exercise - Resize a VM disk
    • Summary
  • Module 9: Caching and performance in Azure storage disks
    • Introduction
    • Effect of caching on disk performance in Azure
    • Enable and configure Azure VM disk cache with the Azure portal
    • Exercise - Enable and configure Azure VM disk cache with the Azure portal
    • Manage cache settings with PowerShell
    • Exercise - Manage cache settings with PowerShell
    • Summary
  • Module 10: Secure your Azure virtual machine disks
    • Introduction
    • Encryption options for protecting Windows and Linux VMs
    • Encrypt existing VM disks
    • Exercise - Encrypt existing VM disks
    • Automate secure VM deployments by adding encryption to Azure Resource Manager templates
    • Exercise - Use a Resource Manager template to decrypt the VM
    • Knowledge check
    • Summary
  • Module 11: Protect your virtual machine settings with Azure Automation State Configuration
    • Introduction
    • What is Azure Automation State Configuration?
    • Use PowerShell DSC to achieve a desired state
    • Exercise - Set up a DSC and configure a desired state
    • Summary
  • Module 12: Monitor the health of your Azure virtual machine by using Azure Metrics Explorer and metric alerts
    • Introduction
    • Monitor the health of the virtual machine
    • Exercise - Set up a VM with boot diagnostics
    • View VM metrics
    • Configure the Azure Diagnostics extension
    • Exercise - Configure the Azure Diagnostics extension
    • Diagnostic data case studies
    • Exercise - Use diagnostic data
    • Summary


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