Administer containers in Azure

Offered By: Microsoft via Microsoft Learn


Microsoft Azure Courses Docker Courses Kubernetes Courses Azure App Service Courses Container Orchestration Courses Azure Container Service Courses Azure Container Registry Courses Azure Container Instances Courses

Course Description


  • Module 1: Introduction to Docker containers
  • In this module, you will:

    • Evaluate whether Docker is an appropriate containerization platform for you
    • Describe how the components of Docker containers support compute container implementations
  • Module 2: Use Docker to build, store, and manage private container images with the Azure Container Registry.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Create a Dockerfile for a new container image based on a starter image from Docker Hub
    • Add files to an image using Dockerfile commands
    • Configure an image’s startup command with Dockerfile commands
    • Build and run a web application packaged in a Docker image
    • Deploy a Docker image using the Azure Container Instance service
  • Module 3: Learn how to use Docker to build, store, and manage private container images with the Azure Container Registry.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Deploy an Azure container registry
    • Build a container image using Azure Container Registry Tasks
    • Deploy the container to an Azure container instance
    • Replicate the container image to multiple Azure regions
  • Module 4: Learn how to run and troubleshoot containerized apps using Docker containers with Azure Container Instances.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Run containers in Azure Container Instances
    • Control what happens when your container exits
    • Use environment variables to configure your container when it starts
    • Attach a data volume to persist data when your container exits
    • Learn some basic ways to troubleshoot issues on your Azure containers
  • Module 5: Discover how to create a Docker image and store it in the Azure Container Registry, then use Azure App Service to deploy a web application based on the image.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Create Docker images and store them in a repository in Azure Container Registry.
    • Use Azure App Service to run web apps that are based on Docker images held in Container Registry.
    • Use webhooks to configure continuous deployment of a web app that's based on a Docker image.
  • Module 6: Get acquainted with the Kubernetes open-source container-orchestration system for automating application deployment, scaling, and management.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Describe how Kubernetes supports container orchestration
    • Describe the difference between control planes and nodes
    • Evaluate whether Kubernetes is an appropriate orchestration platform for a given workload
  • Module 7: Get acquainted with the Azure Kubernetes open-source container-orchestration system for automating application deployment, scaling, and management.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Evaluate whether Azure Kubernetes Service is an appropriate Kubernetes orchestration platform for you
    • Describe how the components of Azure Kubernetes Service work to support compute container orchestration


  • Module 1: Introduction to Docker containers
    • Introduction
    • What is Docker?
    • How Docker images work
    • How Docker containers work
    • When to use Docker containers
    • Summary
  • Module 2: Build a containerized web application with Docker
    • Introduction
    • Retrieve an existing Docker image and deploy it locally
    • Exercise - Retrieve an existing Docker image and deploy it locally
    • Customize a Docker image to run your own web app
    • Exercise - Customize a Docker image to run your own web app
    • Deploy a Docker image to an Azure Container Instance
    • Exercise - Deploy a Docker image to an Azure Container Instance
    • Summary
  • Module 3: Build and store container images with Azure Container Registry
    • Introduction to Azure Container Registry
    • Exercise - Deploy Azure Container Registry
    • Exercise - Build container images with Azure Container Registry Tasks
    • Exercise - Deploy images from Azure Container Registry
    • Exercise - Replicate a container image to different Azure regions
    • Knowledge check
  • Module 4: Run Docker containers with Azure Container Instances
    • Introduction to Azure Container Instances
    • Exercise - Run Azure Container Instances
    • Exercise - Control restart behavior
    • Exercise - Set environment variables
    • Exercise - Use data volumes
    • Exercise - Troubleshoot Azure Container Instances
    • Knowledge check
  • Module 5: Deploy and run a containerized web app with Azure App Service
    • Introduction
    • Build and store images by using Azure Container Registry
    • Exercise - Build and store an image by using Azure Container Registry
    • Deploy a web app by using an image from an Azure Container Registry repository
    • Exercise - Create and deploy a web app from a Docker image
    • Update the image and automatically redeploy the web app
    • Exercise - Modify the image and redeploy the web app
    • Summary
  • Module 6: Introduction to Kubernetes
    • Introduction
    • What is Kubernetes?
    • How Kubernetes works
    • How Kubernetes deployments work
    • Exercise - Explore the functionality of a Kubernetes cluster
    • When to use Kubernetes
    • Summary
  • Module 7: Introduction to Azure Kubernetes Service
    • Introduction
    • What is Azure Kubernetes Service?
    • How Azure Kubernetes Service works
    • When to use Azure Kubernetes Service
    • Knowledge check
    • Summary


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