Great Economists: Classical Economics and Its Forerunners
Offered By: Marginal Revolution University
Course Description
What you will learn
This free video course covers the history of economic thought up until the "Marginal Revolution" in the 1870s and features a video for each chapter of Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations." The videos answer important questions such as: Who were the first economic thinkers? What are the very origins of economic thought? What did earlier economists understand but has been lost to the modern world? Why is Adam Smith the greatest economist of all time? How did the economic issues of the 18th and 19th centuries shape the thoughts of the classical economists?
This course is non-technical and is accessible to a beginner.
1. Before Adam Smith, Part 1
Galileo and the theory of value
School of Salamanca
Why did economics develop so slowly?
Isaac Gervaise
Cesare Beccaria
Introduction to Mercantilism
Nicholas Barbon
Sir William Petty
Bernard Mandeville
2. Before Adam Smith, Part 2
John Law
Richard Cantillon
Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot
Francois Quesnay
David Hume on interest
David Hume on the balance of trade
David Hume on public debt
David Hume on money
David Hume on taxes
Which ideas were developed in early classical economics?
3. Adam Smith
Life of Adam Smith
Adam Smith, Theory of Moral Sentiments
Adam Smith’s Theory of Growth
What I learned from Adam Smith
Adam Smith and the Industrial Revolution
Adam Smith, Intro to Wealth of Nations
4. Wealth of Nations, Book One
Adam Smith, Book 1, Ch 1, Division of Labor
Adam Smith, Book 1, Ch. 2, Truck and Barter
Adam Smith, Book 1, Ch. 3, Extent of the Market
Adam Smith, Book 1, Ch. 4, Origin and Use of Money
Adam Smith, Book 1, Ch. 5, Real and Nominal Price
Adam Smith, Book 1, Ch. 6, Component Parts of Price
Adam Smith, Book 1, Ch. 7, Natural Price and Market Price
Adam Smith, Book 1, Ch. 8, Wages of Labor
Adam Smith, Book 1, Ch. 9, Profits of Stock
Adam Smith, Book 1, Ch. 10, Inequalities of Wages
Adam Smith, Book 1, Ch. 11, Rent of Land
Adam Smith, Book 1, Ch. 11, Digression on Silver
5. Wealth of Nations, Book Two
Adam Smith, Book 2, Ch. 1, Nature and Division of Stock
Adam Smith, Book 2, Ch. 2, Of Money
Adam Smith, Book 2, Ch. 3, Unproductive Labor
Adam Smith, Book 2, Ch. 4, Interest and Usury
Adam Smith, Book 2, Ch. 5, Employment of Capitals
6. Wealth of Nations, Book Three
Adam Smith, Book 3, Ch. 1, Progress of Opulence
Adam Smith, Book 3, Ch. 2, Discouragement of Agriculture
Adam Smith, Book 3, Ch. 3, Cities and Towns
Adam Smith, Book 3, Ch. 4, Towns and Country
7. Wealth of Nations, Book Four
Adam Smith, Book 4, Ch. 1, Mercantile Systems
Adam Smith, Book 4, Ch. 2, Restraints Upon Production
Adam Smith, Book 4, Ch. 3, 4-5
Adam Smith, Book 4, Ch. 6, Commerce Treaties
Adam Smith, Book 4, Ch. 7, Of Colonies
Adam Smith, Book 4, Ch. 8, Mercantile Conclusions
Adam Smith, Book 4, Ch. 9, Agricultural Systems
Adam Smith, Book 4, Digression on Corn
8. Wealth of Nations, Book Five
Adam Smith, Book 5, Ch. 1, pt. 1, Expense of Defense
Adam Smith, Book 5, Ch. 1, pt. 2, Expense of Justice
Adam Smith, Book 5, Ch. 1, pt. 3, Public Works
Adam Smith, Book 5, Ch. 1, pt. 3, article 2, Education of Youth
Adam Smith, Book 5, Ch. 1, pt. 3, article 3, Religious Instruction
Adam Smith, Book 5, Ch. 1, pt. 4, Expense of the Sovereign
Adam Smith, Book 5, Ch. 2, pt. 1-2, Sources of the Public Revenue
Adam Smith, Book 5, Ch. 2, pt. 3, article 4, Taxes on Commodities
Adam Smith in the Custom House
9. After Adam Smith, Part One
Jean-Baptiste Say
Malthus on population
Malthus on demand
Jeremy Bentham on government debt
Introduction to Ricardo
Ricardo on rent
Life of Robert Torrens
Robert Torrens and sliding tariffs
Robert Torrens on strategic trade policy
Henry Thornton
Mountifort Longfield
Edward Gibbon Wakefield
10. After Adam Smith, Part Two
Frederic Bastiat on the Seen and Unseen
Frederic Bastiat and the Candlemakers’ Petition
John Stuart Mill, terms of trade
J.S. Mill on money and demand
Life of John Stuart Mill
Mill on Bentham
How the Dismal Science Got Its Name
Friedrich List
Von Thunen
John Snow
Eugen Slutsky
11. Practical issues faced by the classical economists
Economists in Parliament
The debates over debt
Bullionist debates, Part I
Bullionist debates, Part II
Living standards during the Industrial Revolution
The Poor law debates
The Machinery question
The Corn Law debates
Peel’s Act of 1844 and the Currency School
The India question
12. Friedrich A. Hayek’s Individualism and Economic Order
Hayek on Individualism and Spontaneous Order
Hayek on Economics and Knowledge
Hayek on Social Science Facts
Hayek on the Use of Knowledge in Society
Hayek on Competition and Discovery
Profit and Loss Calculation
Hayek on Socialist Calculation
Hayek on the Gold Standard and Commodity Reserve Currency
Hayek on the Ricardo Effect
Hayek on Interstate Federalism and Free Trade
What I Learned from Hayek
Taught by
Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok
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