Video and Audio for Designers with Creative Cloud: Part 2
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Learn the nuts and bolts of video and audio production with Creative Cloud. To get the most from this course, make sure to watch the first installment in this series.
- More video and audio techniques for designers
- Connecting with the author
- Looking at the storyboards
- Opening the title sequence project
- Adding a solid layer for effects
- Adding a null object
- Using the expression pick whip
- Using the wiggle expression
- Adding layer styles
- Using 3D transforms
- Masking a solid layer
- Animating a mask with a null object
- Adding a text layer
- Browsing text animation presets
- Challenge: Wrapping up the titles
- Solution: Wrapping up the titles
- Making the banner
- Precomposing multiple solids
- Using the Roto Brush
- Sequence layers in After Effects
- Adding text for the mogrt
- Exporting the mogrt
- Building a frame sequence from layers
- Using the loopOut function
- Chapter setup
- Aligning audio tracks (from two sources)
- Cleaning up the intro audio
- Linking and unlinking audio clips
- Audio production in Premiere
- Creating a nested sequence
- Scaling clips to frame size
- Send a sequence to Audition
- Recording the voice-over
- Splitting clips
- Merging clips and generating tones/silence
- Exporting a mixdown
- Adding tracks for music and sound effects
- Matching loudness
- Adding the mogrts
- Mask tracking in Premiere
Taught by
Tony Harmer
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