Unreal: Blueprint
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Learn how to use Blueprints, the visual scripting language for Unreal visualization projects.
- Welcome
- What to know
- Exercise files
- Create Blueprint
- Create Blueprint from actor
- Blueprint editor overview
- Components window
- Functions
- Macros
- Print data to screen
- Working with variables
- Variables Get and Set
- Create random streams
- Creating custom events
- Custom events between Blueprints
- Sending data to materials
- Database hub communication
- Get and set variables between Blueprints
- Create Blueprint with assets
- Animate objects in Blueprint
- Animate material with Blueprint
- Keyboard and game controller input
- Game controller navigation, part 1
- Game controller navigation, part 2
- Game controller navigation, part 3
- Trigger box setup
- Create animation Blueprint
- Create state machine
- Animation Blueprint event graph
- Next steps
Taught by
Scott Pagano
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