Trapcode Form: Making UI Elements
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Learn all of the core features for making engaging user interfaces with Trapcode Form, a 3D particle generator for Adobe After Effects.
1. Introduction
- Learn the core features of Trapcode Form
- Prerequisites
- Trapcode Form vs. Trapcode Particular
- Examining the project
- Making Form do the work
- Modifying Designer presets
- Working in 32 bits per channel
- Creating the grid
- Creating the aerial overlay
- Creating the oscilloscope
- Making the right side vertical bars
- Making the data readout
- Making the status bars
- Changing the colors with a layer map
- Using sprites to create the analysis squares
- Creating the power supply with sprites
- Enhancing with flourishes
- Making the lower left audio waveform
- Making the upper left audio waveform
- Creating the head object
- Modifying the head with a layer map
- Creating a matte for the edges
- Next steps
Taught by
Chad Perkins
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