Six Sigma: Black Belt
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Get the training needed to operate as a Six Sigma Black Belt. This course goes beyond the Six Sigma: Green Belt course, covering statistics and other advanced project tools.
- Welcome to Six Sigma: Black Belt
- The Six Sigma roadmap
- Six Sigma certification information
- Exercise files
- Overview of the Six Sigma Define phase
- Overview of the Six Sigma Measure phase
- Process flow metrics
- Six Sigma data sample sizes
- Key terms for measurement system
- Conduct measurement system analysis
- Measurement system analysis (MSA)
- Process capability for continuous data
- Overview of the Six Sigma Analyze phase
- Hypothesis testing roadmap
- Sample size determination
- Confidence intervals
- Test for normality
- Compare variances
- T-tests
- ANOVA test
- Contingency tables
- Nonparametric tests
- Correlation in Six Sigma projects
- Linear regression
- Multiple regression
- Overview of the Six Sigma Improve phase
- Two-level fractional factorial experiments
- Full factorial experiments
- DOE with curvature
- Response surface methods
- Overview of the Six Sigma Control phase
- SPC chart selection
- SPC chart analysis
- Display improved process capability
- Next steps
Taught by
Richard Chua
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