Screencasting with the Mac

Offered By: LinkedIn Learning


Screen Recording Courses Presentation Skills Courses Video Editing Courses iMovie Courses Video Production Courses Scriptwriting Courses Audio Recording Courses

Course Description


Shows how Mac users can create coherent and engaging screencasts.

Screencasting with the Mac shows how, with very little investment, Mac users can create coherent and engaging screencasts. Chris Breen showcases the required gear, from microphones to lights, and tours today's most popular screen capture software. He shows how to create a polished script, maintain a strong presence both on and off camera, and capture video and audio streams. He then reviews the process of editing the screencast in iMovie and integrating live video, screen captures, stills, and music to make the presentation even more appealing. This course illustrates how screencasts are the perfect form for anyone—teachers, developers, even product managers—to distribute information or instructions.


  • Welcome
  • Using the exercise files
1. Gear
  • Introduction to the gear
  • Choosing a camera
  • Choosing microphones
  • Setting up a budget lighting system
2. Scripting
  • Writing a script
3. Screencasts
  • Introduction to screencasting
  • Recording with QuickTime
  • Recording with Snapz Pro
  • Recording with iShowU
  • Recording with ScreenFlow
4. Scenecasts
  • Introduction to scenecasting
  • Using still images in a screencast
  • Using focused motion captures
5. Shooting Live Video
  • Introduction to live video
  • Choosing a live action location
  • Understanding continuity
  • Exploring presentation techniques
6. Editing with iMovie '09
  • Introducing iMovie '09
  • Touring the iMovie interface
  • Importing assets
  • Assembling a movie
  • Recording narration
  • Polishing a movie
  • Exploring delivery options
  • Conclusion

Taught by

Christopher Breen

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