SAS Essential Training: 1 Descriptive Analysis for Healthcare Research
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Explore the fundamentals of SAS as you learn how to conduct a descriptive analysis of a health survey dataset.
- SAS essential training: Descriptive analysis
- What you should know
- BRFSS dataset and documentation
- Organizing your work
- Hypotheses for the demonstration
- Explanation of SAS XPT
- Reading in SAS XPT file
- KEEP and DROP commands
- Reviewing confounders
- Alternatives to labels and formats
- Using PROC FREQ to prepare
- Removing rows by categorical criteria
- Removing rows by continuous criteria
- Removing rows where values are missing
- Observations from the log file
- Updating data reduction documentation
- Recoding a grouped variable
- Recoding the smoking variable
- Creating flags: Indicator variables
- Grouping a continuous variable
- Cleaning a continuous variable
- Completing the analytic dataset
- Bar chart
- Pie chart
- Histogram
- Box and whisker plot
- Scatter plot
- Choosing an analytic approach
- Creating a categorical table shell
- PROC FREQ with options
- Putting results in a table
- Chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests
- Normal plot
- Creating a continuous table shell
- Transferring continuous results to a table
- Conducting t-tests
- Conducting one-way ANOVAs
- Tricks in Excel
- PROC TABULATE for categorical analysis
- PROC TABULATE for continuous analysis
- Explanation of the ODS
- Example of ODS and PROC FREQ
- Example of ODS with PROC UNIVARIATE
- Using weights with PROC FREQ
- Recoding into quartiles
- Creating an index variable
- Using the Import wizard
- Sorting and merging
- Introduction to PROC SQL
- Review of the process
- Next steps
Taught by
Monika Wahi
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