Ruby on Rails 6 Essential Training
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Learn how to build dynamic web applications with Ruby on Rails 6, the popular, open-source framework.
- Faster, better, less painful website development
- Using the exercise files
- Ruby on Rails introduction
- Understand MVC architecture
- Create a new Ruby on Rails project
- Examine the file structure of a Ruby on Rails project
- Configure a Ruby on Rails project
- Access a Ruby on Rails project from a browser
- Generate a controller and view
- Examine how server requests are handled
- Define routes in a Ruby on Rails project
- Challenge: Experiment
- Render a view template for a browser
- Redirect controller actions
- Define view templates using HTML
- Use instance variables to set values in the template
- Create links to other webpages
- Defining and reading URL parameters
- Challenge: Dynamic templates
- Solution: Dynamic templates
- Create a database for a Ruby on Rails project
- Write migrations to define database changes
- Use the command line to generate migrations
- Run migrations to change the database schema
- Challenge: Migrations for the CMS
- Solution: Migrations for the CMS
- Understanding ActiveRecord and ActiveRelation
- Using the Rails console to interact with a Rails project
- Create records using ActiveRecord
- Update records using ActiveRecord
- Delete records using ActiveRecord
- Find records using ActiveRecord
- Define one-to-many associations between models
- Learning about CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
- Using REST for resourceful routes in a Rails project
- Using resourceful URL helpers
- Read action: Index
- Read action: Show
- Adding basic forms to templates
- Create action: New
- Create action: Create
- Using strong parameters to regulate input
- Update actions: Edit and update
- Using partials and helpers to organize code
- Delete actions: Delete and destroy
- Challenge: Pages CRUD
- Solution: Pages CRUD
- Next steps
Taught by
Kevin Skoglund
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