Ruby on Rails 5 Essential Training
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Learn the essentials of Ruby of Rails 5. Find out how to create a complete data-driven web application with this elegant and easy-to-learn development framework.
- Welcome
- How to use the exercise files
- Ruby on Rails introduction
- Understanding MVC architecture
- Create a project
- File structure of a project
- Configure a project
- Access a project
- Generate a controller and view
- Server request handling
- Routes
- Experiment on your own
- Render a template
- Redirect actions
- View templates
- Instance variables
- Links
- URL parameters
- Introduction to databases
- Create a database
- Migrations
- Generate migrations
- Generate models
- Run migrations
- Migration methods
- Solve migration problems
- Challenge: Migrations for the CMS
- Solution: Migrations for the CMS
- ActiveRecord and ActiveRelation
- Model naming
- Model attributes
- The Rails console
- Create records
- Update records
- Delete records
- Find records
- Query methods: Conditions
- Query methods: Order, limit, and offset
- Named scopes
- Relationship types
- One-to-one associations
- One-to-many associations
- belongs_to presence validation
- Many-to-many associations: Simple
- Many-to-many associations: Rich
- Traverse a rich association
- Resourceful routes
- Resourceful URL helpers
- Read action: Index
- Read action: Show
- Form basics
- Create action: New
- Create action: Create
- Strong parameters
- Update actions: Edit/update
- Delete actions: Delete/destroy
- Flash hash
- Challenge: Pages and sections CRUD
- Solution: Pages and sections CRUD
- Layouts
- Partial templates
- Text helpers
- Number helpers
- Date and time helpers
- Custom helpers
- Sanitization helpers
- Asset pipeline
- Stylesheets
- JavaScript
- JavaScript tag and sanitizing
- Images
- Form helpers
- Form options helpers
- Date and time form helpers
- Form errors
- Prevent cross-site request forgery
- Validation methods
- Write validations
- Validates method
- Custom validations
- Cookies
- Sessions
- Controller filters
- Logging
- Authentication introduction
- Secure passwords
- Create a controller for access
- Login and logout
- Restrict access
- Challenge: AdminUser CRUD
- Solution: AdminUser CRUD
- Public area
- Public area navigation
- Nesting pages in subjects
- Nesting sections in pages
- Adding RubyGems: acts_as_list
- Finishing touches
- Next steps
Taught by
Kevin Skoglund
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