Learning KeyShot
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Create fast, accurate, and stunning visuals with KeyShot, an interactive 3D renderer for several CAD and 3D packages. Learn how to create a render work with materials and more.
- Welcome
- How to use the exercise files
- Overview of the KeyShot interface
- Navigation in KeyShot
- Performance settings
- Manage scenes
- Select and move objects
- File management
- Import assets into KeyShot
- Assign materials
- Modify materials
- Add texture maps
- Lighting the scene with images
- Set up the final render
- Create materials
- Work with transparency and refractions
- Transparency and render quality
- Bump and opacity mapping
- Manage materials across multiple objects
- Use material graphs
- Use the HDRI editor to create lights
- Use objects as lights
- Use backplate images
- Work with cameras
- Create depth of field
- Create a turntable animation
- Animate parts of objects
- Camera animation
- Next steps
Taught by
George Maestri
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