Learning Java 8
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Learn the important features of Java 8, one of the most popular versions of Java used by developers.
- Java 8: Is it for me?
- Are you ready for Java 8?
- Explore the code challenge environment
- LocalDate, LocalTime, and LocalDateTime
- ZonedDateTime and ZoneId
- Clock
- Comparing dates and times
- DateTimeFormatter
- Period
- Duration
- Altering dates and times
- Converting Date and Calendar
- Solution: Filtering by date
- What is Base64?
- Encoding and decoding using java.util.Base64
- Solution: Encode with Base64
- Static methods
- Default methods
- Functional interfaces
- Built-in functional interfaces
- Solution: Implement a static method
- Basic Lambda expressions
- Lambda expressions with parameters
- Lambda expressions body
- Lambdas as method parameters
- Lambda expressions and variable scope
- Solution: Write a lambda expression
- What are streams and the stream pipeline?
- Creating streams
- Terminal operations on streams
- Intermediate operations on streams
- Parallel streams
- Solution: Replace loops with the Stream API
- Why do you need the Optional class?
- Creating and using Optionals
- Methods on the Optional class
- Challenge
- Solution
- String in switch statements
- Array parallel sorting
- Unsigned integer arithmetic
- Improved concurrent API
- Removal of the permanent generation in memory
- Challenge
- Solution
- What is not yet in Java 8?
- Where to go next in Java
Taught by
Peggy Fisher
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