Learning ECMAScript 6+ (ES6+)
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Bring your JavaScript code up to modern standards. Learn how to use the latest features in ECMAScript 6+ to add functionality to your apps and simplify your code.
- Using modern JavaScript today
- What you should know before watching this course
- What is ECMAScript?
- Staying up to date with new releases
- Understanding browser support
- Using the let keyword
- Working with the const keyword
- Writing template strings
- Searching strings
- Using symbols
- Writing maps
- Working with sets
- Using the array spread operator
- Destructuring arrays
- Searching arrays with the .includes function
- Enhancing object literals
- Creating objects with the spread operator
- Destructuring objects
- Iterating with the for/of loop
- Introducing classes
- Inheritance with JavaScript classes
- Getting and setting class values
- Using the string.repeat function
- Setting default function parameters
- Writing arrow functions
- Understanding this in arrow functions
- Working with generators
- Building promises
- Loading remote data with promises
- Returning promises with fetch
- Using async/await syntax
- Incorporating fetch with async/await
- Next steps
Taught by
Eve Porcello
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