Laravel 6 Essential Training: Testing, Securing and Deploying Apps
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Discover the power and scope of Laravel, the open-source PHP framework for building and scaling web applications.
- Why Laravel?
- Prerequisites for the course
- Understand the MVC architecture
- Using the exercise files for this course
- Choose the right tool
- Prerequisites for Windows OS
- Install Docker Desktop
- Create your first Laravel application
- Handling routing
- Creating a view
- Building layouts with Blade
- Working with controllers
- Understanding Laravel configuration
- Working with the database
- Creating and running migrations
- Using Eloquent
- Understanding project requirements
- Setup a new project
- Add authentication with Laravel Breeze
- Add styles to the project
- Create the first model with migration
- Register resource routes
- Create resource controller actions
- Add an index method to fetch all notes
- Create an index view to display all notes
- Add pagination and clean up the index view
- Add a create method and view to show a form
- Add a store action to save the data
- Add a show action and view to display single note
- Create a unique ID for each note
- Use route model binding
- Add an edit method and view to allow editing of the note
- Add an update method to update edited data
- Add a destroy method to delete a note
- Show flash data to users
- What are Eloquent relationships?
- Define relationships
- Query and save relationships
- Enable soft delete
- Query soft deleted models
- Show soft deleted model
- Restore soft deleted models
- Permanently delete models
- Quick summary
- What's next?
Taught by
Justin Yost
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