Laravel 5 Essential Training
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Learn how to build elegant, data-driven applications of any scale with Laravel 5, the popular and flexible PHP framework.
- Learning the ins and outs of Laravel
- What you should know
- Install Homestead
- Explore Laravel
- Configuration
- The first page
- Simple authentication
- The first migration
- Seeding
- The first route
- The first controller
- The first action
- The first view
- Resource controller routes
- Resource controller actions
- Index action
- Index view
- Create an action
- Create a view
- Store an action
- Show action and view
- Edit an action
- Edit a view
- Update an action
- Destroy an action
- The first model
- Pagination
- Finding
- Saving
- Editing
- Soft-deleting
- Scopes
- One-to-one relationships
- One-to-many relationships
- Many-to-many relationships
- Lazy-loading relationships
- Eager loading relationships
- Saving relationships
- Next steps
Taught by
Justin Yost
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