JavaScript: Best Practices for Code Formatting
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Maximize your code's ability to travel and thrive. Learn a core set of practices for creating code that can be read by more people than its creators.
- Modern standards for your JavaScript
- What you should know
- Set up your environment
- Style guides
- Use modern deployment tools
- ESLint
- Foundational practice: Use strict mode
- Use single-line syntax for single lines
- Multi-line syntax with leading asterisks
- Include leading spaces in comments
- Challenge: Create JavaScript comments
- Solution: Create JavaScript comments
- End statements with a semicolon
- Don't rely on auto semicolon insertion
- Standardize line length
- Use commas consistently
- Include a comma in a list of values
- Challenge: Optimize punctuation
- Solution: Optimize punctuation
- Indent consistently
- Space before and after operators
- Use a consistent format for blocks
- Include a space after keywords and arrows
- Use consistent spacing before function signature parentheses
- Break up and indent long-method chains
- Space consistently within enclosing characters
- Space after commas, but not before
- Limit blank space to one line
- Challenge: Optimize spacing
- Solution: Optimize spacing
- Next steps
Taught by
Sasha Vodnik
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