InfraWorks 2021: Traffic and Mobility Analysis
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Discover how to generate a traffic simulation, a pedestrian mobility simulation, and a multimodal mobility simulation using InfraWorks 2021.
- Traffic and mobility analysis workflows
- What you should know
- Working with the exercise files
- An overview of traffic simulation
- Quick traffic analysis
- Visualization of quick traffic analysis
- Finding information
- Setting the scenario
- Generating traffic demand
- Generating the K factor
- Scenario 1: Setting up
- Scenario 1: Editing demand zones and matrices
- Scenario 1: Adding vehicle demand to a demand matrix
- Scenario 1: Generating trips and viewing the simulation locally
- Introducing signals
- Fixed signal intersections
- Apply electronic signals to an intersection
- Configure electronic signals, part 1
- Configure electronic signals, part 2
- Configure traffic advance stopping distance for a traffic signal
- View traffic analysis results for the signalized intersection
- Scenario 2: Setting up
- Scenario 2: Creating an additonal traffic demand matrix
- Scenario 2: Viewing a local simulation and adjusting signal controls
- Sceanrio 2: View in InfraWorks
- Introduction to pedestrian mobility simulation
- Create a brand-new pedestrian walkway
- Create demand areas for people
- Edit demand areas and matrices for people
- Scenario 3: Adding pedestrians to a traffic scenario
- Scenario 3: Adding a pedestrain crossing to a road
- Scenario 3: Creating walkways that lead to a pedestrian crossing
- Create demand areas for people and connect them to the network
- Create a demand matrix and view simulation
- Change demand and parameters
- Next steps
Taught by
Lynda Sharkey
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