Illustrator 2020 Essential Training
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Learn the essentials of Adobe Illustrator. Find out how to use the 2020 version of Illustrator to create amazing artwork—from minimalistic logos to full-blown illustrations.
- Welcome to the essentials of Illustrator 2020
- How to send feedback
- Installing Illustrator
- Walkthrough setup
- Walkthrough
- Touring the interface
- Scaling the interface
- The Toolbox
- Panels
- The Properties panel
- Panning and zooming
- Using the Navigator
- The Selection tool
- The Direct Selection tool
- Drawing basic shapes
- Drawing polygons and stars
- Drawing with the Line tools
- Drawing with the Grid tools
- Color models in Illustrator
- The Swatches panel
- Global swatches
- Spot colors
- Using tints
- Color groups
- The Color Guide panel
- Stroke attributes
- Creating dashed lines
- Creating dotted lines
- Creating arrowheads
- Variable width strokes
- The Lasso tool
- The Magic Wand
- Saving selections
- Aligning objects
- Aligning points
- Distributing objects
- Using key objects
- Changing the stacking order
- Using the draw modes
- Working with groups
- The Group Selection tool
- Using Isolation Mode
- Using layers
- Targeting objects using layers
- Using the specific Transform tools
- Using the Free Transform tool
- Using Transform Again
- The Transform Each command
- Transforms as an effect
- Compound Paths and Shapes
- The Pathfinder panel
- The Shape Builder
- Clipping masks
- The Pen tool
- The Curvature Pen tool
- The Shaper tool
- The Pencil tool
- Drawing with the Eraser tool
- Improving paths
- Creating and removing guides
- Making guides from objects
- Linear gradients
- Radial gradients
- Freeform gradients
- Gradients on strokes
- Creating a pattern
- Pattern strokes
- Transforming patterns
- Static symbols
- Dynamic symbols
- Using blends
- Replacing a blend spine
- Using blending modes
- Using opacity masks
- The power of appearances
- The Appearance panel
- Illustrator effects
- Photoshop effects
- Editing or removing effects
- Graphic styles
- The Brush tool
- The Eyedropper tool
- Using point type
- Using area type
- Character options
- Paragraph options
- The Touch Type tool
- Using Type on a Path
- Outlining type
- Placing images
- Embedding images
- Cropping images
- Using Image Trace
- Using Photoshop with Image Trace
- Recolor artwork
- The Puppet Warp tool
- Working with artboards
- Arranging artboards
- Packaging Illustrator files
- Export as other file types
- Asset Export
- Legacy Save for Web
- PDF files and Illustrator
- Creating your own workspaces
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Custom views
- Custom toolboxes
- Using Creative Cloud libraries
- Exporting an ASE
- Mobile tools and Illustrator
- Next steps
Taught by
Tony Harmer
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