Hands-On Introduction: JavaScript

Offered By: LinkedIn Learning


Javascript Courses APIs Courses ESLint Courses Prettier Courses GitHub Codespaces Courses

Course Description


Get a practice-based introduction to writing your own code in JavaScript, testing out your new skills as you go in a collaborative and interactive learning environment.


  • Hands-on JavaScript
  • Using GitHub Codespaces with this course
1. Picking JS Apart
  • Modify a component
  • Break down a complex function
  • Make a component reusable through nesting
  • Pull only the data you need from an object
  • Add new data to an existing data object
2. Building JS from Scratch
  • Set up ESLint and Prettier
  • Create a dark mode switch
  • Detect existing mode
  • Store dark mode settings in the browser
  • Create a "loading" indicator and simulate loading time
  • Lazy-load content with IntersectionObserver
3. Extending JS
  • Get access and documentation for an API
  • Fetch data from an API
  • Build a component utilizing API data
  • Add a button to change units
  • Add a location selector
  • Going further

Taught by

Morten Rand-Hendriksen

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