Game Art: Model & UV Map a Low Poly Character
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Learn how to model low-polygon assets for games. This step-by-step course shows how using 3ds Max.
- Welcome
- What you should know before watching this course
- Using the exercise files
- Setting up the Max project
- A quick word about gamma and scale
- Setting up the scene
- Creating the hub
- Shaping the hub
- Unwrapping the hub
- Creating the drive shaft, part 1
- Creating the drive shaft, part 2
- Using symmetry modifiers to keep the shape
- UV mapping the drive shaft
- Building the drive cylinder
- Using guide objects
- Detailing the drive wheel
- Finishing off the drive wheel
- Setting up UV maps for the wheels
- Creating the main wheel support
- Refining the wheel support model
- Creating the wheels
- Modeling the wheels detail
- Prepping the model for UV unwrapping
- Unwrapping the wheels and support
- Creating the single wheel
- Uwrapping the single wheel
- Creating the main support
- Unwrapping the main support
- Modeling the tread assembly frame
- Creating the rest of the frame
- UV mapping the frame mesh
- Using splines to create the tracks
- Unwrapping the tracks
- Modeling the head shape
- Creating the eye sockets
- Detailing the shape
- Unwrapping the head
- Creating the piston support
- UV mapping the support
- Creating the support arm
- Detailing the end of the arm
- Unwrapping the support arm
- Building the piston
- Mapping the piston
- Creating the piston connector
- Unwrapping the connector
- Creating the scoop base shape
- Refining the scoop
- Unwrapping the scoop
- Attaching the mesh back together
- Exporting the model
- Baking out the normal map
- Fixing the normal map issue
- Next steps
Taught by
Joel Bradley
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