Creating Online Video with iPhone
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Learn how to shoot and edit great-looking video with an iPhone.
- Welcome
- What makes iPhone great
- Telling your story
- Planning your shots
- The importance of framing
- How much should I shoot?
- Basics of frame size and frame rate
- Adding iPhone production value with a stabilizer
- Portable and affordable lighting solutions
- Working with iPhone lavs and boom mikes
- Some of the differences between still and video options
- The difference between iPhone versions
- iPhone 11 video camera improvements
- iPhone 12 and HDR
- Two new features from the iPhone 13 lineup
- The budget-friendly iPhone SE
- Tips for shooting vertical and square video
- Basic iPhone camera settings
- Preparing your iPhone for recording
- Setting exposure and focus
- Shooting a talking head on the fly
- Getting creative with shooting support materials
- Getting creative with in-camera transitions
- Shooting slow motion
- Shooting time-lapse video
- Using your iPhone as a webcam
- Introduction to SlingStudio with iPhone for livestream
- Walking through a multiple-iPhone livestream setup
- The multiple-iPhone livestream performance example
- Staying organized and backing up your files
- Editing video on your phone
- Editing video on a computer: Free apps
- Editing video on a computer: Paid apps
- Uploading your videos to YouTube
- Uploading your videos to Instagram
- Working in post with vertical and square video
- Exporting HD projects for social media formats
- Editing with Cinematic mode in Final Cut Pro
- Working with iPhone HDR footage in Premiere and Final Cut Pro
- Shooting with FiLMiC Pro or MAVIS
- Using Sun Seeker and Golden Hour
- Using DJI GO for hyperlapse and tracking
- Using Artemis
- Using Adobe Rush
- Using LumaFusion
- Case example: Showing the final product
- Next steps
Taught by
Nick Harauz
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