Creating Cinemagraphs and Plotagraphs
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Learn how to use Photoshop, After Effects, and other tools to explore the creative options of cinemagraphs. In addition, learn how to create plotagraphs with Plotagraph Pro.
- Welcome
- What you should know before watching this course
- Using the exercise files
- Core features of a cinemagraph image
- Core features of a plotagraph image
- A look at the dynamic content movement
- Composing a dynamic shot
- Stabilizing the camera
- When to shoot video for cinemagraphs
- When to shoot timelapse for cinemagraphs
- When to shoot a still for a plotagraph
- Combining stills with video or timelapse
- Determining frame size and frame rate
- File format considerations
- Shooting demo, putting it all together
- Platform specific advice
- GIF vs. movie: The delivery detabte
- Loading a movie into Photoshop
- Loading an image sequence into Photoshop
- Adjusting frames rates in Photoshop
- Compositing the image with Motion
- Refining masks in Photoshop
- Looping strategies with Photoshop
- Color correction and enhancement
- Exporting a movie-based animation from Photoshop
- Saving a GIF-based animation from Photoshop
- Loading an image sequence into Flixel
- Loading a video into Flixel
- Trimming media to a new duration
- Creating and refining masks in Flixel
- Creating a loop method with Flixel
- Color correction and enhancement
- Exporting a movie based animation from Flixel
- Exporting a GIF-based animation from Flixel
- Posting to social media from Fixel
- Creating on the go with Flixel Mobile
- Loading a video into Cliplets
- Choosing the background frame
- Masking the video in Cliplets
- Creating a loop method with Cliplets
- Exporting a GIF-based animation from Cliplets
- Creating on the go with Microsoft Pix
- Uploading an image to Plotagraph Pro
- Masking a photo in Plotagraph Pro
- Adding animation points in Plotagraph Pro
- Previewing and refining animation with Plotagraph Pro
- Adding an overlay image in Plotagraph Pro
- Exporting a GIF from Plotagraph Pro
- Exporting a movie from Plotagraph Pro
- Loading a movie Into After Effects
- Loading an image sequence into After Effects
- Duplicating and reversing a clip to make a loop in After Effects
- Splitting a clip to make a loop in After Effects
- Compositing the frozen image with Motion
- Creating and refining masks in After Effects
- Color correction and enhancement
- Exporting a movie-based animation from After Effects
- Exporting a GIF with Adobe Media Encoder
- Recompressing GIF images with Photoshop
- Recompressing video with Adobe Media Encoder
- Recompressing video with Apple Compressor
- Posting dynamic content to Facebook
- Posting dynamic content to YouTube
- Posting dynamic content to Twitter
- Posting dynamic content to Instagram
- Summary
Taught by
Richard Harrington
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