Business Analytics: Multiple Comparisons in R and Excel
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Learn how to run multiple comparison tests in Excel and R to pinpoint mean differences in multiple groups of data.
- Pinpoint group mean differences
- Getting started
- Tukey honestly significant difference (HSD): Overview
- Tukey: Preliminary tests in Excel
- Tukey: Test of mean differences in Excel
- Tukey: Preliminary tests in R
- Tukey: Test of mean differences in R
- Tukey: Choice of error rates
- Scheffé: Overview
- Scheffé: Preliminary tests in Excel
- Scheffé: Contrasts in Excel
- Scheffé: Calculating Psi
- Scheffé: Test of mean differences in R
- Scheffé: Critical values and confidence intervals
- Next steps
Taught by
Conrad Carlberg
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