Become a Ruby on Rails Developer

Offered By: LinkedIn Learning


Ruby on Rails Courses Web Development Courses Javascript Courses Sass Courses Software Testing Courses CoffeeScript Courses Object-oriented programming Courses RSpec Courses

Course Description


Ruby on Rails is a popular framework for building full-featured web applications. Used by startups like Basecamp, Twitter, and Hulu, Rails is an in-demand skill for web developers. Get the essential skills to work with Ruby on Rails.
  • Create full-featured, object-oriented web applications.
  • Integrate database content into webpages.
  • Write tests for your application.


Courses under this program:
Course 1: Ruby Essential Training Part 1: The Basics
-Learn the fundamentals of Ruby, the popular object-oriented programming language, starting with object types, control structures, code blocks, and defining custom methods.

Course 2: Ruby on Rails 5 Essential Training
-Learn the essentials of Ruby of Rails 5. Find out how to create a complete data-driven web application with this elegant and easy-to-learn development framework.

Course 3: JavaScript: Functions
-Learn the different ways of declaring and invoking JavaScript functions, the "subprograms" that power your code.

Course 4: JavaScript: Enhancing the DOM
-Learn to modify the DOM (Document Object Model), one of the core components of every HTML page, with JavaScript.

Course 5: Learning CoffeeScript
-Learn about CoffeeScript, a language that compiles into JavaScript and allows you to write fast, efficient, and beautiful JavaScript code.

Course 6: Sass Essential Training
-Learn the fundamentals of Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (Sass), a modern web development language that helps you write CSS better, faster, and with more advanced features.

Course 7: Ruby: Testing with RSpec
-Learn how to use RSpec, the Ruby testing framework that can help developers be more productive, write better code, and reduce bugs during development.

Course 8: Ruby on Rails: Get More From ActiveRecord
-Get more from Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord and leverage shortcuts and techniques to make database code more efficient.


  • 0 reviews

    1 hour 37 minutes

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    Explore how models and associations in Ruby on Rails provide an object-oriented interface to relational databases, automate common tasks, and speed up web application development.
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    2-3 hours

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    Learn to modify the DOM (Document Object Model), one of the core components of every HTML page, with JavaScript.
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    1 hour 27 minutes

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    Explore the different ways of declaring and invoking JavaScript functions, the hidden but powerful "subprograms" that power the backbone of your code.
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    1 hour 48 minutes

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    Learn about CoffeeScript, a language that compiles into JavaScript and allows you to write fast, efficient, and beautiful JavaScript code.
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    10 hours

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    Learn the essentials of Ruby of Rails 5. Find out how to create a complete data-driven web application with this elegant and easy-to-learn development framework.
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    6 hours 13 minutes

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    Learn how to use RSpec, the Ruby testing framework that can help developers be more productive, write better code, and reduce bugs during development.
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    4-5 hours

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    Learn the fundamentals of Ruby, the popular object-oriented programming language, starting with object types, control structures, code blocks, and defining custom methods.
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    1-2 hours

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    Learn the fundamentals of Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (Sass), a modern web development language that helps you write CSS better, faster, and with more advanced features.

Taught by

Kevin Skoglund and Ray Villalobos

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