Become a 3D Visual Design Specialist
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Get the basic skills you need to begin your career as a 3D visual design specialist. Learn to take 2D designs and visualize them in 3D. Develop a strong understanding of how design, form, materials, lighting, color, and environment play roles in 3D visualization.
- Learn essential 3D software skills for visualization.
- Practice translating 2D designs into 3D visualizations.
Courses under this program:
Course 1: Sketching for Product Design and AEC
-Learn sketching basics such as how to quickly generate shapes and forms, using planes, projection methods, line weights, and shade and shadow to bring product designs to life.
Course 2: Photoshop 2020 One-on-One: Fundamentals
-Master the fundamentals of Photoshop 2020. In this course, Photoshop expert Deke McClelland shows you everything you need to know, in the order you need to know it.
Course 3: Illustrator 2021 Essential Training
-Get started with Adobe Illustrator, the world's leading illustration and vector drawing application. Learn how to create artwork for print, the web, or use in other applications.
Course 4: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training
-Learn how to use 3ds Max 2017 to create professional 3D models, animations, and motion graphics. Explore spline and polygonal modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering, and more.
Course 5: Rhino 5 Essential Training
-Learn how to build your own 3D design models and prototypes with the NURBS-based modeling tools in Rhino 5.0 for Windows.
Course 6: SketchUp 2020 Essential Training
-Get started with SketchUp. Learn how to use the 2020 version of this powerful design software to create 3D models and 2D floor plans.
Course 7: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
-Learn how to use ZBrush tools and techniques to build professional-quality 3D models.
Course 8: Prime Studio Product Design
-Meet the designers of Prime Studio, a product and brand consultancy, and learn about the process behind their new line of collapsible home products, Squish, in this short film.
Course 9: Rhino and V-Ray: Product Design Rendering
-Promote your design concepts better with beautiful product renderings built with Rhino and V-Ray.
Course 10: Rapid Prototyping for Product Design
-Bring your product designs into the real world with rapid prototyping. Get a close look at the machinery and the techniques, such as 3D printing, machining, and injection molding.
Course 1: Sketching for Product Design and AEC
-Learn sketching basics such as how to quickly generate shapes and forms, using planes, projection methods, line weights, and shade and shadow to bring product designs to life.
Course 2: Photoshop 2020 One-on-One: Fundamentals
-Master the fundamentals of Photoshop 2020. In this course, Photoshop expert Deke McClelland shows you everything you need to know, in the order you need to know it.
Course 3: Illustrator 2021 Essential Training
-Get started with Adobe Illustrator, the world's leading illustration and vector drawing application. Learn how to create artwork for print, the web, or use in other applications.
Course 4: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training
-Learn how to use 3ds Max 2017 to create professional 3D models, animations, and motion graphics. Explore spline and polygonal modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering, and more.
Course 5: Rhino 5 Essential Training
-Learn how to build your own 3D design models and prototypes with the NURBS-based modeling tools in Rhino 5.0 for Windows.
Course 6: SketchUp 2020 Essential Training
-Get started with SketchUp. Learn how to use the 2020 version of this powerful design software to create 3D models and 2D floor plans.
Course 7: ZBrush 2020 Essential Training
-Learn how to use ZBrush tools and techniques to build professional-quality 3D models.
Course 8: Prime Studio Product Design
-Meet the designers of Prime Studio, a product and brand consultancy, and learn about the process behind their new line of collapsible home products, Squish, in this short film.
Course 9: Rhino and V-Ray: Product Design Rendering
-Promote your design concepts better with beautiful product renderings built with Rhino and V-Ray.
Course 10: Rapid Prototyping for Product Design
-Bring your product designs into the real world with rapid prototyping. Get a close look at the machinery and the techniques, such as 3D printing, machining, and injection molding.
Get started with Adobe Illustrator, the world's leading illustration and vector drawing application. Learn how to create artwork for print, the web, or use in other applications.
Learn how to build your own 3D design models and prototypes with the NURBS-based modeling tools in Rhino 5.0 for Windows.
Learn how to use 3ds Max 2017 to create professional 3D models, animations, and motion graphics. Explore spline and polygonal modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering, and more.
Master the fundamentals of Photoshop 2020. In this course, Photoshop expert Deke McClelland shows you everything you need to know, in the order you need to know it.
Meet the designers of Prime Studio, a product and brand consultancy, and learn about the process behind their new line of collapsible home products, Squish, in this short film.
Bring your product designs into the real world with rapid prototyping. Get a close look at the machinery and the techniques, such as 3D printing, machining, and injection molding.
Promote your design concepts better with beautiful product renderings built with Rhino and V-Ray.
Learn sketching basics such as how to quickly generate shapes and forms, using planes, projection methods, line weights, and shade and shadow to bring product designs to life.
Get started with SketchUp. Learn how to use the 2020 version of this powerful design software to create 3D models and 2D floor plans.
Learn how to use ZBrush tools and techniques to build professional-quality 3D models.
Taught by
Kevin Henry, Deke McClelland, Tony Harmer, Aaron F. Ross, David Schultze, Tammy Cody, Ryan Kittleson, Stuart Harvey Lee and Gabriel Corbett
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