Android Development Essential Training: Manage Data with Kotlin
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Learn how to build Android apps that store, manage, and display data in a variety of forms and formats, using Kotlin and the latest tools and best practices for Android developers.
- Mobile apps for a data-driven world
- What you should know
- Check out the exercise files from GitHub
- Model an entity in a Kotlin data class
- Read files from resources
- Read files from assets
- Parse JSON strings with Moshi
- Map JSON and class property names
- Acquire data in a repository class
- Share data with LiveData objects
- Network permissions and status
- Add Retrofit and coroutine dependencies
- Define a Retrofit interface
- Retrieve remote data with Retrofit
- Add a RecyclerView to a fragment
- Create a RecyclerView item layout
- Create a RecyclerView adapter class
- Display images dynamically with Glide
- Add a dynamic background to data items
- Refresh data with a swipe gesture
- Handle RecyclerView click events
- Create and navigate to a detail fragment
- Add an Up button to a secondary fragment
- Pass data in a shared ViewModel
- Display details with data binding
- Customize data bindings with an adapter
- Save files to internal storage
- Read files from internal storage
- Manage permissions in a splash screen
- Request external storage permissions
- Save files to external storage
- Define a database table with Room
- Define SQL operations in a DAO interface
- Define an SQLite database with Room
- Insert and retrieve data with Room
- Manage shared preferences with code
- Use preferences to manage display
- Create a shared preferences activity
- Read default shared preferences
- Next steps
Taught by
David Gassner
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