Advanced Pandas
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Learn the advanced functions in pandas that can help you more effectively work with your data.
- Take pandas to the next level
- Getting started with pandas
- Intro to DataFrames using pandas
- Top functions using pandas
- Configuring options using pandas
- Data type conversions using pandas
- Working with strings using pandas
- Working with dates using pandas
- Dealing with missing data using pandas
- Apply/Map/Applymap
- Groupby and aggregations using pandas
- Reshaping dataframes (pivot, stack)
- Merging (merge, join) and concatenating (concat) dataframes
- Mapping variables into groups
- Plotting with pandas
- Correlations and statistical functions
- Accelerate EDA with pandas-Profiling
- Explore Geographic data with Geopandas
- Beyond pandas with Dask and Koalas (Spark)
- Your path forward using advanced pandas functions
Taught by
Brett Vanderblock and Madecraft
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