Advanced Laravel
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Learn about advanced eloquent features, complex queries, and scheduling tasks in Laravel, as well as sending notifications and creating jobs and queues.
- Beyond the basics
- Prerequisites for the course
- What's new in Laravel 10?
- Using the exercise files
- Understand project requirements
- Set up the project
- Create the database and models
- Create user roles
- Write custom middleware
- Revisit CRUD basics
- Use gates
- Write policies
- Seeding and factories
- Many-to-many relationships
- Implement eager loading
- Attaching and detaching relationships
- Write complex queries and create query scopes
- Write commands
- Create events and listeners
- Make use of logs
- Send emails
- Send notifications
- Create jobs and queues
- Schedule tasks
- Get started with testing
- Write HTTP tests
- Write database tests
- Test-driven development
- Request lifecycle overview
- What is a service container?
- Service providers in Laravel
- Get to know Facades
- Quick summary
Taught by
Justin Yost
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