3ds Max: UVW Mapping
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Learn how to master the UVW mapping tools in 3ds Max and map 2D textures to complex 3D objects.
- Welcome
- What you should know
- Exercise files
- The 3ds Max project structure
- Gamma handling
- Displaying maps in the viewport
- What exactly are UVW coordinates?
- Understanding UVW space
- Autogenerated coordinates: Are they good or bad?
- The UVW Map modifier: Part one
- The UVW Map modifier: Part two
- Working with the UVW gizmo
- Using map channels
- Using Real-World Map Size
- The Coordinates rollout
- World XYZ
- Object XYZ
- Working with explicit mapping
- Using the XYZ to UVW option
- Overview of the Unwrap UVW modifier
- Selection tools
- The Edit UVs rollout
- Peel-mapping tools
- How pelt mapping works
- Using the pelt-mapping controls
- Quick transforms for UV layouts
- The Reshape Elements rollout
- The Stitch rollout
- The Explode rollout: Part one
- The Explode rollout: Part two
- Relaxing UVs
- Rendering out a UV template
- What's next?
Taught by
Joel Bradley
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