3ds Max 2019: Advanced Materials
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
3ds Max features advanced material tools and techniques for physically-based rendering. Learn to design realistic shading networks in this course.
- Welcome
- Using the exercise files
- Using preview windows
- Setting Material Editor options
- Creating multiple view tabs
- Storing materials in sample slots
- Lay Out and Select commands
- Understanding XRefs and materials
- Display Map Output Selector nodes
- Rendering the Physical Material
- Balancing reflections with Roughness
- Adjusting Metalness and Reflection Color
- Using Index of Refraction (IOR) to control reflectance
- Setting a custom reflectance function
- Stretching highlights with Anisotropy
- Mapping the bump channel
- Adding a clear coat
- Controlling physical transparency
- Tinting with Transparency Depth
- Backlighting with thin-walled translucency
- Sub-surface scattering for physical translucency
- Light emission from a surface
- Future-proofing material presets
- Layering and masking with a composite map
- Color adjustment with a color correction map
- Preparing for texture baking
- Materials for texture baking
- Baking maps with Render to Texture
- Rasterizing textures with Render Map
- RGB curves adjustment with an output map
- Mapping a gradient ramp
- Procedural mapping with Substance
- Simulating relief detail with Normal Bump
- Deforming surfaces with Displacement
- Combining maps with RGB Multiply
- Next steps
Taught by
Aaron F. Ross
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