Introduction to Engaging Leadership

Offered By: State Bank of India via edX


Leadership Courses Goal Setting Courses Employee Engagement Courses Team Building Courses Inspiration Courses Empowerment Courses

Course Description


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Engaged employees are more committed, more involved with what they do, and are innovative. All this, in turn, enables companies to have higher productivity and profitability. Other benefits include lower stress levels, a better workplace environment for employees leading to lower employee turnover, higher loyalty to and trust in the leadership and the organisation. The benefits are immense and obvious.

But this demands leaders to be engaging ones. Leaders who can communicate with, read the minds and understand the moods of their people. Leaders who can make the point through effective communication, draw the big picture before their people for them to feel connected and be aligned with what they do. Moreover, leaders must be able to motivate the employees.

This programme aims at equipping managers and leaders with skills, strengths and understanding to be engaging leaders.


Module 1: Engaging to activate

  1. Engaging people

  2. Activating people ****

Module 2: Bonding to become one as a team

  1. Communicating to connect with each other

  2. Caring to create closeness for strengthened relationship

  3. Commending for ensuring commitment of employees

  4. Enjoying the oneness

Module 3: Getting to goals ****

  1. Challenging people for best results

  2. Empowering people to accomplish objectives

  3. Inspiring to raise engagement level of employees

  4. Celebrating to sustain success and growth

Module 4: Leaving a Legacy

Being a people’s person- A Serving Leader

Being a captivating captain- An Engaging Leader

Taught by

Mretunjay Kumar

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