Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence

Offered By: Case Western Reserve University via Coursera


Emotional Intelligence Courses Neuroscience Courses Stress Management Courses Compassion Courses

Course Description


Emotional intelligence, hope, mindfulness, and compassion help a person reverse the damage of chronic stress and build great leadership relationships. The Positive and Negative Emotional Attractors inspire sustained, desired change and learning at many levels.


  • Week 1: Resonant Leadership and the Neuroscience Behind It
    • Great leaders moves people through resonant relationships. Resonant relationships occur when the leader and the people around them are in sync or in tune. These relationships are characterized by the shared experience of vision and hope, compassion and caring, and mindfulness. and how people can be inspired to change and inspire change in others. We demonstrate. We explore the neuroscience behind resonant and dissonant leadership, in terms of the default mode and task positive networks.
  • Week 2: Renewal As an Antidote to Chronic Stress
    • We examine the effects of emotional contagion, both positive and negative on relationship. We examine the psychological and physiological process with which our bodies and minds experience stress and how it hinders openness to new ideas, people and emotions. Chronic annoying stress causes cognitive, emotional and perceptual impairment. We examine the Parasympathetic Nervous System, the bodies only way to ameliorate the effects of stress and renew. We examine how hope/vision, compassion, mindfulness and playfulness both build resonant relationships and enable us to renew.
  • Week 3: Emotional Intelligence and Its Link to Leadership
    • Emotional, social and cognitive intelligence competencies are the drivers of effective leadership, management and professional jobs. We review the research in private, public and non-profit sector jobs in many countries of the world.
  • Week 4: Inspiring and Motivating Sustained Development, Growth and Learning
    • Intentional Change Theory and decades of longitudinal research showing how it creates sustained, desired change is introduced. Learners examine who and how people have helped them grow in the past and link it to future possibilities. We explore the Positive and Negative Emotional Attractors (PEA and NEA), which are states that enable change, and help us become open to it. We need the NEA to survive and the PEA to strive and flourish.
  • Week 5: Coaching with Compassion to Inspire Sustained Learning and Development & Peer Coaching: With a Little Help from my Friends
    • This week we examine the PEA and the NEA in depth in terms of emotional, relational and neurological factors. We examine the type of conversations that inspire the PEA in others and why we call this coaching with compassion.e
  • Week 6: Inspiring Change through Hope and Vision – Discovery #1 in ICT
    • This week we explore all of the five the phases of Intentional Change Theory in depth: how we distinguished the Ideal Self from the Ought Self. We examine life and career stages, how to know when you are in mid-life crises.
  • Week 7: The Multilevel Nature of Sustained, Desired Change
    • Following on from last week's modules, this week we turn to change at the team and organizational level. We outline how resonant leadership and the establishment of and membership in social identity groups can facilitate change in dyads, teams, organizations, communities, countries and even global change. We will review recent research documenting the effectiveness of developing shared vision.
  • Week 8: The Real Self and Learning Agenda – Discoveries #2, 3, 4 in ICT
    • In our final week, we examine the remaining elements of Intentional Change Theory: drawing a distinction between The Real Self and Faux Self, establishing a learning agenda, and emphasizing the value of experimentation and practice in shaping and re-shaping our visions. We conclude with a review of the course and the summary of the materials covered to date.

Taught by

Richard Boyatzis


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