Multitenancy in Practice
Offered By: Laracasts
Course Description
In this series, I'll show you how to build a single-database, multi-tenant application in Laravel. Together, we'll construct our application in such a way as to ensure that data from one tenant never leaks into the results for another tenant.
- Initial Setup
- Meet Teamsy
- Tenants
- Tenant Global Scope
- Use Stubs to Set the Tenant ID
- Refactor to a BelongsToTenant Trait
- Create the UI
- Use TailwindUI for the Public Pages
- Use Livewire With Blade Components
- Amazon S3 Uploads
- Livewire File Uploads to Amazon S3
- Private S3 Uploads with Authorization
- Super Admin Dashboard
- User Impersonation
- Interactive Charts
Taught by
Kevin McKee
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