Powerful Presentations for Artists

Offered By: Kadenze


Visual Arts Courses Communication Skills Courses Audience Analysis Courses Self-Awareness Courses Content Management Courses

Course Description


Powerful Presentations for Artists – is a micro-course created especially for professional artists to enhance their broader communication skills. This micro-course explores the three crucial dimensions of communicating with your audience – whoever that audience might be - whether interested observers; consumers of, or investors in your art and potentially your career.

The course is presented in four (4) Sessions and includes videos and associated documents. The four Sessions are:

Session 1: Micro-course introduction

This initial session is designed to develop your self-awareness, skills and confidence in presentation and communication with a range of different audiences. The session includes the crucial task of your recording your ‘Informing Videos’. These two brief videos form the basic working material for your journey through the remainder of the course.

Session 2: Personal Presence

In Session 2 we start to delve more deeply into who you are – as an artist and presenter. Using your two Informing Videos, you will explore and analyse the qualities that you bring to your presentation context. You will also turn from inward-looking to outward-looking and examine a TED Talk, to garner more depth of knowledge from a broader range of presentation styles and contexts.

Session 3: Profiling your audience

Session 3 is about identifying and profiling your audience. Who are they? What do you know about them? What do they know about you? What assumptions do you make about your audience? On what do you base those assumptions?

Session 4: Managing Content

In this session we look at your content, and how to adapt and structure that content in the right way, for the right audience, in the right context - to maximise the impact of your presentation.


  • Profiling your Audience
    • If you are going to present, you need to know who you are presenting to.
  • Introduction
    • Welcome to Session 1 of Powerful Presentations for Artists. This session is designed to develop your self-awareness, skills and confidence in presentation and communication with a range of different audiences.
  • Managing Content
    • Determining which content is relevant to which audience can be tricky. As an artist you are so close to your own work and creative process that it can be difficult to step away sufficiently from your own work to objectively assess it – and its relevance to your potential audience.
  • Personal Presence
    • In Session 2 we start to delve more deeply into who you are – as an artist and presenter.

Taught by

Dr Christiaan Willems

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